Welcome to Little Discoverers, West Norfolk School for Parents (WNSfP)

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break filled with joy, laughter, and precious moments with your loved ones. We are thrilled to have you back and excited to start a new year of fun and learning.

As we begin this new term, we have many exciting activities, and a family session planned for the children. We look forward to seeing their smiling faces and hearing all about their holiday adventures.

We are now open, and our sessions will start again on Tuesday, 7th January, Wednesday, 8th January, and Thursday, 9th January 2025, from 10 am to 12 noon.

Our topics will be:

  • Sight
  • Smell
  • Touch
  • Sound
  • Taste
  • Multi-Sensory

If you have any questions, please email us on littlediscoverers@littlediscoverers.co.uk or call on 07805427044.

If you have any concerns about a child's welfare or safety, please contact the Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS) on 0344 800 8021.

Many thanks

Little Discoverers Team.

Who are you?
We provide early education for pre-school children with motor learning difficulties and delayed development. We put parents at the forefront of their child's learning and development and acknowledge that parents know their child best.
What do you do?
We provide a unique and holistic form of early education inspired by methods used at the Peto Institute of Conductive Education in Hungary. Our specially trained staff work together in groups of up to eight children with their parent/carer.
Am I eligible?
Our service is primarily for pre-school children within West Norfolk and the surrounding area who have motor learning difficulties and delayed development. A child can be referred to us in a variety of ways.
View our promotional video for more information about us

Click here to view a short video detailing the work Little Discoverers (WNSfP) does and how we can help your child.


My child adores coming to Little Discoverers. The structured, fun atmosphere enables him to learn and develop physically, socially, emotionally and mentally.

Supported By

Make a Difference with Amazon smile wish list. Helping Little Discoverers make a difference. Norfolk Freemasons Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Norfolk COunty Council Hawkins Ryan Solicitors Lions Club Marsh Charitable Trust National Lottery NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group Norfolk Community Foundation Easy Fundraising PJ Heat Exchanger Radio West Norfolk Recipharm Rotary Club The Albert Hunt Trust Tydd St. Giles Golf Club West Norfolk Wins Norfolk Community Foundation BBC Children in Need
